Potential problems with hospitality teams

Potential problems with hospitality teams.

Are teams the greatest tool since the television remote control channel-zapper?
Not always. Teams are a different way of doing things, and some managers resist
working with them.
Below are some common objections to teams. Put a check mark next to the
objections you’ve heard or have voiced yourself. Can you think of arguments
against any of the objections below? If so, write them down in the space provided.
Then see the Appendix in this handbook to find out what other managers said in
favor of teams.
“My team took an hour to discuss a decision I could have made in
five minutes.”
“Managing a team is a full-time job in itself; how am I going to find time to
do the rest of my job?”
“A team approach takes employees away from their regular duties.”
“Teams are just a way to get rid of middle management and supervisors.”
“If the team fails, the property suffers and morale plummets.”

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