Different types of complaints

Different types of complaints

Simple complaints:

These are easy to solve and the guests concerned are not too annoyed.  In such cases, all that is required is a brief apology and the matter is forgotten.  Usually a few friendly words are all that are needed to restore a positive atmosphere

Problematic complaints:

Guests making such complaints are clearly very annoyed.  It is often not possible for the employee to recognize the actual root of the problem with this type of complaint, or to solve it.  This means that the problem cannot be dealt with immediately and that a great deal depends on the sensitivity of the employees to the situation.  The first thing is to calm the guests down by speaking to them.  Then the actual cause of the problem must be found or an amicable settlement must be reached.  The way the conversation is handled is one of the most decisive factors in success or failure in such a situation.

Unjustified complaints:

Again and again situations occur where guests complain through no apparent fault of the hotel or restaurant.  A typical example are guests who complain that their meat was too salty, but do not do so until they have cleared their plate.  Here the employee has to distinguish between whether the actual problem lies elsewhere or whether the person is just a born grumbler.  Clever questioning is very helpful here.
If no solution can be found, i.e. you are dealing with one of the very few notorious grumblers, the only course of action is to attempt to calm the guest down.

Unforgivable complaints:

These are always made based on an error on our part.  If it was just a question of an unfortunate mistake, the guest is often prepared to accept an apology.  If, however, the cause is:
-          indifference
-          impoliteness, or even
-          rudeness
this will not be excused by any guest.  He or she will never come back, and will cause us considerable damage by negative comments passed on by word of mouth.

If you put yourself in the position of guests making complaints, then you will be able to understand their points of view better.  In the present day, it is often difficult for us to understand one another as we lead lives in which we concentrate very much on ourselves, and it is difficult to break out of this.  Furthermore, our understanding of others can be impaired by antipathy.  The first impression is not always positive.  If, however, we can maintain a positive internal attitude, this provides the best basic conditions for any conversation.

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