Receiving & Storage
Always spot check frozen and refrigerated foods. Frozen foods may not be accepted if above 15°F/-9°C product temperatures. Refrigerated foods - raw meats, poultry and shell eggs - may not be accepted above 45°F/7°C. All other foods cannot be above 50°F/10°C product temperatures
Products must be received in good condition; no dented, swollen, or rusted cans; thawed or refrozen products, crushed cases, etc.
Refrigerated and frozen food is stored as soon as possible (but not to exceed one hour)
Always store refrigerated and frozen food first (before storing non-perishables, paper products and chemicals).
Toxic and chemical materials must be separated into the following three categories and stored separately from each other:
detergents, sanitize and related, or drying agents
Products are stored correctly.
Toxic and chemical materials may not be stored above or next to food, food equipment, utensils or single-service articles.•
When opening cases, contents (cans, bottles, etc.) must be checked for condition (no dented, swollen, or rusted cans, thawed or refrozen products, crushed , etc.
Note: Reach-in freezers may not exceed 10°F/-12°C. Thermometers used to measure temperatures must be accurate to within +/- 2°.)
Product temperature must be maintained at 41°F/5°C (refrigerated) or 0°F/-18°C (frozen) or below.
Date and label all food not covered during transportation or storage.
All food upon receipt, whether going into dry storage, coolers or freezers, has to be dated as to date of receipt (exception is clearly dated dairy products showing use-by date)
When product is removed from case, individual containers need to be dated.
Single service or portion control items, i.e.: crackers, ketchup are exempt.
Product removed from freezer and placed in cooler needs to be re-dated.