How to serve an old or premium wine

How to serve an old or premium wine 

  1. Bring the bottle to show it to the guest by resting the bottle on your right hand long ways, making sure that the label is facing outwards.
  1. Knowledge all the information on the label is important to answer the guest his entire question. (Like the name, the origin country, the percentage grade, and how old is it?)
  1. After the confirmation of the guest about the bottle, make sure that you have the following
  • The wine glass (special glass of this kind of wine)
  • Waiter cloth
  • Wine corkscrew
  • Double coaster
  • Decanter
To en sure that the way to open and serve the bottle as standard
The premium red or white wine means that this wine has a good quality, and old enough to be premium, and open it need a special way to open
4. Place the bottle on the table , make sure that the label always facing the guest
5.To cut the foil in a clockwise direction making sure that the top portion is only cut. Placing the foil in the plate
6.Clean the top of the bottle by the cloth screwing the cloth by your thump on to the top of the bottle   
1.Place the arm of the corkscrew on the rim of the bottle then at a 45% angle lift the cork out of the bottle. Note. That no popping noise is be made from the bottle.
2.Unscrew the cork and place on the cork on the small coaster t on the right side of the wine glass.
3.With your waiter cloth wipe the debris from the top of the bottle in a clockwise motion
4.Pick up the bottle with the label showing and pour into the special glass. Note. Never pour more than 2/10 of the glass and twist the bottle so no splits occur on the table.
5.Serve the glass to the guest from the right hand side, placing it on the table in the right hand side to the host
6.Wait while the host tastes the wine and give his approval. Once approval proceeds and pours the wine on the decanter
7.Place the top of the bottle on the top nick of the decanter handling the bottle on your right hand and the decanter on your left hand
·   Rise the Decanter putting your left hand to the under side the decanter

·   Rise the decanter slowly and smoothly from the left hand side only, to let the wine pour slowly into the decanter
·   Raise up the bottle in your right hand from the vertical situation turning up the bottle slowly, smoothly, pour the wine into the decanter till the bottle arrive the horizontal situation
·   Make sure the wine must not disturb by rising the bottle quickly, or shake it   
9.Pour the ladies firstly moving around the table clockwise. If no ladies are on the table pour the gentlemen first in a clockwise motion then pour the host last. (Using the cloth to clean the top of the decanter from the drops
11.  Once the guest’s wine is poured finish pouring the host glass. Always twisting the decanter so that no wine is spilt on the table. Note. Place the remainder of the decanter on the coaster on the table
12.  Farwell yourself from the table.
13.  Make sure that you return to the table to pour more Wine or to offer the host another bottle.