To ensure that all staff are up selling as much as possible

1.      When up selling, suggest something that would go there order i.e. a bottle of wine with dinner or an entree with the main meal or a side dish o accompany the meal

2.      Don’t be too over eager to up sell as this can make the guest uncomfortable

3.      Make sure you know your stocks before you start up selling

4.      Never try an up sell the most expensive item

5.      Never start a sentence with “ Would you like a Water “ Always use “ Would you like a Perrier or Evian tonight Mr. Smith.

6.      Always use the guest name it is easier to up sell an item.

7.      Always try and find out what the guest likes and try an up sell that item.

8.      Never talk about the price unless he ask, then tell the guest discreetly without embarrassing him in front of his other guests.

9.      Always try and use very opportunity to up sell items thought out the evening.

10.  When up sell you can use the phase such as “ I would recommend the Chicken Mr. Smith it’s just great  

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